Important Forms

After registering for your chosen program you need to fill out a couple more forms.

If you are participating in any overnight trip, workshop, or instruction program you will need to fill out 2 forms; one will be a Medical/Diet Form and the other will be a Liability Form (found below).

If you are participating in any one-day program, you only need to download the Day Program All-Release Liability Form (found below).

Diet and Medical Forms

Adult Medical-Diet Form: Online or Download
Workshop Medical/Diet Form: Online or Download
Youth under 18 Medical-Diet Form: Online or Download

Liability Forms

Adult Liability Form: Online 
Paddle Canada Waiver for all PC Courses: Online 
Youth under 18 Liability Form: Online or Download
Vehicle shuttle liability: Download
Boat rental liability: Download

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please email us at [email protected] or phone 1-800-203-9092.

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