Join the Team
We want great people to help us to be Lake Superior’s best eco-adventure company. We offer regular and short-term employment and volunteer opportunities. We are most active from mid-May to September, although activity begins in April and extends through mid-November.
We’re open from early May to early November, active from mid May – mid October, busy from June – September, very busy during July and August and cranking happy busy from mid July – mid August!
We offer a great location on Lake Superior at the mouth of the Michipicoten River, about a 15-minute drive south of Wawa, Ontario, on Highway 17. Most of our staff members live on our seven-acre site while some live in Wawa. The staff area is serviced by a staff building for some meals and relaxation, a shower building and staff bio-outhouse affectionately known as the “revolver”. There are fantastic paddling and hiking opportunities right from the base, and we are a short drive to Lake
Superior Provincial Park.
Our staff numbers about 12 during the busy period plus some additional staff visiting to guide specific trips. Most of our regular staff have some form of outdoor education training and experience.
The general qualities we look for in staff:
- Training and experience relevant to the position.
- An emphasis on safety and a good service mentality.
- Ability to take initiative and work or lead in an unsupervised environment.
- Understanding and interest in eco-tourism themes such as local heritage, ecology and environment.
- Ability to get along well with others plus a good sense of humour and creativity.
Please note: we are unable to hire those who smoke or are very allergic to dogs.
New Staff
New Guide staff will want to take advantage of the comprehensive training courses we typically run during June (although many of our guide job-prerequisites are also available elsewhere). They are designed to help you become a great guide. While you pay the full cost of these courses (some exceptions apply i.e. first aid) we pay your wages while you are on course so things pretty well even out. It’s a great deal for us both.
Non-guide staff are also welcome to take any training courses we offer (subject to mutual agreement) even if not related to the job. In that case you typically receive a 40% price discount. Some courses however i.e. Wilderness First Aid require outside instructors, so no discount is offered.
Our usual schedule of training programs includes:
- Wilderness Medical Associates Advanced Wilderness First Aid and First Responder (every 3 years).
- Paddle Canada sea kayak skills and instructor-level certifications from beginner to advanced
- Moving water tandem canoe skills: Paddle Canada Flatwater Canoe Instructor
- Lake Superior sea kayak guides’ course
All staff are encouraged to do personal trips that enhance their knowledge of a route and contribute to their ability to be a stellar guide. By mutual agreement NSA will cover travel, food and park fees for these personal trips. We also participate in sea kayak symposiums or events each year. All staff, by mutual agreement are welcome to join us at these events as volunteers with all costs covered.
The summer period begins following training sessions approximately late June to early September or longer. During that time you will be paid the summer salary biweekly; depending on your skills and customer demand, hours and duties may vary significantly from week to week.
Contract Guides
Occasionally we hire contract guides to assist or lead on a per trip basis. Contract guides must have the basic guide prerequisites including Wilderness Advanced First Aid, Paddle Canada skills & Instructor certifications, the Lake Superior Sea Kayak Guide Course, etc. Unless they are working as an assistant guide, they must be familiar with the trip route and the heritage, history, special sights and stories found along the route.
We often welcome volunteers and work to ensure that you get as much from your experience with us as we get in services from you. A typical arrangement might see you working ½ day in exchange for accommodations, meals, use of all boats and gear and maybe some training. Unfortunately we can not provide Workers Compensation Insurance for volunteers.
If you are able to get whatever work visa is required, that’s great and we will certainly consider offering paid employment. Otherwise we are happy to consider you as a volunteer. We may be in a position to offer an honorarium or cover your travel costs/living expenses, but are unable to offer workers compensation insurance. You would therefore need to have your own personal health coverage.
Job Descriptions
We generally give our returning staff until the end of January each year to make their summer plans known. Therefore, the best time to send your application is from mid-January onward.
Apply with a resume and cover letter. Tell us what position(s) interests you, why you are well suited to that position, what you would like to achieve personally with the position, and your salary expectations. Please use PDF formats with your resume and cover letter.
Emails may be directed to David Wells.
Letters to:
Naturally Superior Adventures
RR#1, Lake Superior,
Wawa, ON
P0S 1K0